As noted in The Lake That Isn't, the building that houses Lake Chalet was a pump house for the Oakland Fire Department before the wings were added in 1913 for boats. The building fell into disuse and disrepair, then was renovated and reopened in 2009. Now one wing houses Gondola Servizio, while the other is back to its original purpose—housing boats for the Lake Merritt Rowing Club (LMRC).

After reviewing the equipment, people moved to the "ergs" (short for ergometers), to learn and practice the basic rowing stroke on dry land. Unlike a basic rowboat where rower and oars stay fixed relative to each other, in a rowing shell, the rower is on a seat which slides back and forth during the stroke. The stroke for rowing is both simple and complicated. It's a 3-part process, arms, body, then legs, but all in a fluid motion, while keeping the oar level, but simultaneously keeping it clear of your legs. Ultimately most of the strength comes from your legs, not your arms, but if you're doing it correctly, rowing provides a full body workout.

People quickly learned rowing is a team sport. Not only do you need to use the correct rowing stroke, you need to do it at the same time as your boat mates. The coxswain sets the pace, but everyone needs to follow it. By the time the boat had been up the lake and back, people seemed to be getting the hang of it.
Rowing is a fun sport and a good workout, for ages 12 to 90+. The LMRC offers classes, and has a special summer series for youth rowing. Scholarships are available. If you'd rather just watch, rowers are out early many mornings practicing. The LMRC is hosting a regatta on July 1st, the 2012 Southwest Masters Regional Championships, so you'll have a chance to check out competition, too.
Lots more pictures:
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