Yesterday's photo journey is brought to you by the color yellow. It's some of the yellow things I saw on my way home from the Red Cross after donating platelets (which are a yellowish color, too). I saw a yellow car, but there wasn't a safe place to stop to photograph it. And I wasn't brave enough to ask the woman wearing bright yellow if I could photograph her pants :-)
Very cool yellow montage.
Thanks. I saw various yellow things on my way to the Red Cross and came up with the idea. I'll probably do other colors, too, but purple will be a lot harder :-)
I shot some purple things on Sunday, and discovered it was hard for a different reason than I thought. There aren't as many purple things around as yellow, but there were enough. The problem was that my P&S camera seems incapable of photographing some of them with anywhere near correct colors.
I thought you were kidding about doing a purple montage. Purple is impossible. I have a this weird purple oriental rug and every time I photograph it, it is a different color purple. I know what you mean.
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