Last week was the 30th annual Carter Work Project with Habitat for Humanity. I volunteered all 5 days, and after a weekend of mostly resting, I'm still tired. I've been more tired before, and I've been more dirty, but wowza, this is the most cumulative tiredness I can remember. And that's after numerous years of mission trips to Mexico and Habitat build-a-thons.
But it was a for a great cause, and hundreds of people in Oakland and thousands across the U.S. got together during the week to help build decent, affordable homes for people or repair the homes they already have so they can afford to stay in them. Thanks to everyone who came out to work, whether for one day or more, and to everyone who donated to help make it happen!
We now return to our irregularly scheduled working and posting. And some more resting.
Lots more pictures from the week:
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