Our Oakland

Monday, March 27, 2017

Oakland Urban Paths: Women's History walk

Saturday, March 18th, Oakland Urban Paths and the Oakland Walking Tours program led the 4th annual Women's History walk. About 60 people (and 3 dogs) joined us for a walk to learn about a few of the women who have shaped Oakland.

We had some special stops and some bonuses. Thanks to Tom at First Unitarian Church for telling us a bit about the church; Luan at Laurel Bookstore for the book display and pass-through; Alfred at the Oakland Business and Professional Women's Club for showing us around mid-remodel; and Ann at Camron-Stanford House, for coming in and opening up on a Saturday for us.

The following have links to the Oakland Wiki for more information. Some of the women, organizations, and places we talked about (more or less in order):

See more photos here.

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