Our Oakland

Monday, November 26, 2012

waterfront walk

Instead of buying anything, K and I celebrated the day after Thanksgiving with a walk along the Lake Merritt channel and the Jack London waterfront. It was a much more pleasant way to spend the day than fighting crowds and buying stuff we don't need.

We started by exploring along the Lake Merritt channel near Laney College. Lots of football fans were in the stadium, watching MyClymonds beat Oakland Tech in the Silver Bowl. There were tons of birds in and around the channel, including a pelican, a red-tailed hawk, grebes, and lots of coots and seagulls.

Then we headed over to the estuary, and walked as far north as the Lightship Relief. On the way back, there was a Coast Guard cutter following two pilot craft out towards the bay. There were lots of people out for leisurely walks and bike rides, and quite a few stopping for refreshments at Pearl's Jam House or Heinhold's. Another beautiful day in Oakland!

More pictures:

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