Our Oakland

Friday, March 9, 2012

lack of posts

Sorry for the relative lack of posts this week. Between work (good) and some eye problems (bad*), I haven't been able to spend as much time attending events or blogging as I'd like. (*Apparently no diseases or damage in my eyes, though after a trip to Kaiser, my eyes are looking a bit like Homer's after licking a toad. Mostly likely I'll need glasses soon.)

Don't worry, Our Oakland isn't going away like the East Bay Express article seems to think much of the Oakland blogosphere has done. What has happened is that last year's winners of the League of Women Voters "helping make democracy work" award aren't blogging as much. VSmoothe at A Better Oakland isn't blogging at the moment, Becks at Living in the O isn't blogging as much, Zennie at Oakland Focus is mostly blogging on Zennie62.com about non-Oakland topics, Debby Richman of Today in Montclair moved to Utah (someone else took over the blog) and Aimee Allison of Oakland Seen has been focused on other (paying) work. Read an alternative viewpoint at Oakland Local.

While I definitely miss their insight and views on things, especially VSmoothe's attention to Oakland politics, there are lots of other Oakland blogs that are active. In the right column below the Oakland news section are a list of Oakland blogs, with the 10 most recently updated shown. The list currently only has 30 or so active blogs in it, though I have a list of hundreds that I could add. I'm looking for a replacement for the Blogger 'Blog List' widget, which doesn't do well with hundreds of blogs. Ideas?

In any event, I'm hoping to be back to my regular blogging schedule next week.

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